GSO Technical Council holds its 43rd meeting exceptionally

The Technical Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council Standardization Organization (GSO) held its forty-third meeting exceptionally via video conference on Monday April 6, 2020, based on the guidance of their Excellencies, the GCC Ministers of Commerce to discuss facilitating importing goods and their flow in GCC States. The meeting was chaired by His Excellency Mr. Abdullah Abdul Qadir Al-Muaini, Director General of the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology, Chairman of the current Term.
The meeting discussed the current developments, evaluating and reviewing the procedures and taking exceptional measures to facilitate the trade exchange and smooth flow of goods among the GCC States in light of the emerging Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, and in line with the exceptional procedures and practices taken by relevant international and regional organizations.
The meeting was attended by their Excellencies, directors and representatives of the National Standardization Bodies (NSBs) in GSO Member States, and in the presence of His Excellency GSO president and the representative of the General Secretariat of the Cooperation Council (GCC). The meeting came out with a set of recommendations to overcome obstacles facing the flow of goods and services between the GCC states and support the joint GCC cooperation, which will be presented to the meeting of their excellencies, Undersecretaries of the GCC Ministries of Commerce, and then submitted to their Excellencies, Ministers of Commerce, members of the Ministerial Committee for Standardization Affairs for approval at their next meeting.
It is worth noting that GSO is practicing its activities in unifying the various standardization activities and following up implementation and compliance with the same in cooperation and coordination with (NSBs) to develop the production and service sectors, foster the intra-GCC trade, protect the consumer, environment and the public health, enhance the GCC economy and its competitiveness and meet the requirements of Gulf Custom Union and Gulf Common Market.