GSO issues new unified Gulf standards for health sector

His Excellency Mr. Saud bin Nasser Al-Khusaibi, president of the Gulf Cooperation Council Standardization Organization (GSO), said that GSO and in cooperation with its Member States has recently approved a number of new unified Gulf standards, in line with the health precautionary measures to limit the spread of the new Corona virus (Covid 19), and coinciding with the great efforts have been taken by the health sector in GCC States.
His excellency mentioned that the most recent issued gulf standards which adopted from European standards are: GSO EN 1499: 2020 “Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. Hygienic handwash- Test method and requirements (phase 2/step 2)”, the GSO EN 1500: 2020 “Chemical Disinfectants And Antiseptics – Hygienic Handrub – Test Method And Requirements (phase 2/step 2)”, and GSO EN 14683: 2020 + AC “Medical face masks – requirements and test methods”. These standards have been studied and reviewed by Technical Committee Members representatives of GSO Member States.
Mr. AlKhusaibi added that GSO is working with its members to follow up their implementation. Many other standards projects are currently being studied for the same reason and would be published once approved.
It is worth noting that GSO issued more than (twenty-three thousand and four hundred and eighty unified Gulf standards and technical regulations (23480) that cover many sectors such as health, chemical and textile, mechanical, electrical, food and agriculture, oil and gas, management systems, information, and construction. In addition to that, there are more than 2500 Gulf standards and technical regulations projects are presented to GSO Technical Council, Directors of standardization Bodies in GSO Member States (NSBs) and the Ministerial Committee for Standardization Affairs for final approval.
The GSO president concluded his speech by giving thanks and appreciation to the governments of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the NSBs for all the precautionary measures have been taken to face of the spread of Corona Virus (covid 19) providing safety for citizens and residents; stressing the importance of paying attention and commitment to implement Gulf standards and technical regulations in order to achieve the protection of GCC consumers, environment and public health, supporting Gulf economy and facilitating the flow of goods in Gulf common market.