GSO Participates in Celebrating World Water Day

The GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) participates in the celebration of World Water Day, which is held every year on 22 March. This year’s theme is “Water for Peace”.
This theme can help in putting emphasis on the importance of supporting all forms of joint Gulf action in the areas of water conservation and rationalization of its consumption.
In a statement on this occasion, His Excellency Mr. Saud bin Nasser Al-Khusaibi, President of GSO, said that water resource is considered a national wealth in GSO member states, and it is our duty to preserve and protect this precious resource for future generations. He stressed the importance of implementing the Gulf Technical Regulation for Water-consumption Conservation Products; which is intended to rationalize water consumption; owing to its direct role in reducing water consumption rates and promoting the use of rational and modern technologies in the field of rationalizing water consumption, and reducing its consequences, such as carbon emissions resulting from its production and distribution. He added that the implementation of the Technical Regulation for Water- consumption Conservation Products started with effect in January 2024.
GSO has in effect begun to appoint accredited conformity assessment bodies and issuing efficiency cards for some products.
He highlighted the vital role of this Regulation in preserving water resources and ensuring their sustainability; adding that GSO is working steadily and relentlessly with the national standardization bodies of GSO member states on the phased implementation of the said Regulation this year, in accordance with action plan of each member state. GSO values the fruitful and constructive cooperation among member states and stresses the importance of continuing these blessed efforts to ensure the accomplishment of our common goals in the Gulf action process.”
His Excellency stated that this Gulf Technical Regulation dealing with products to rationalize water consumption is among the most extremely important tools that contribute to rationalizing water consumption for sanitary products and fixtures that are used in domestic and commercial forms such as faucets, mixers, showers, sprinklers, urinals, water flow regulators, flush boxes, and water closets.
He explained that the Gulf Regulation makes it mandatory to manufacturers not to exceed permissible maximum limits for the product’s water consumption according to the type of product, also makes it mandatory to manufacturers to affix a card called the Gulf Green Card on these products to show the product’s rate of water consumption and its rating of consumption in accordance with the star rating.
His Excellency the President of GSO called on all economic operators (manufacturers and importers) to take the initiative in issuing the Gulf green card for their products designated for the Gulf markets by communicating with the Gulf notified bodies through the electronic Gulf conformity mark platform .
He also stressed the commitment of GSO to pursue its sustained and fruitful work with the national standardization bodies of the member states to achieve optimal use of water and support rationalization initiatives, thus contributing to building a sustainable future.
It is worthwhile mentioning that the United Nations coordinates the World Water Day, and is managed by UN-Water, which is in fact an important occasion to highlight key water issues and inspire action to address the water and sewerage crisis. This year, the campaign addresses the importance of water as a stabilizing factor and a driving force for sustainable development, by emphasizing that cooperation and peace can be achieved when water is managed in a just and sustainable manner.