GSO Participates in the ISO General Assembly 2022

His Excellency Saud bin Nasser Al-Khusaibi, President of the GCC Standardization Organization (GSO), headed the GSO delegation to the annual meeting of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which was held in Abu Dhabi during the period 19-23 September 2022, hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology of the United Arab Emirates.
More than 5,300 officials and experts participated, in person and via video communication technology, in specialized sessions aimed at discussing how to develop and utilize international standards to support climate change issues, growth of trade and sustainable economic development.
The agenda of the ISO annual meeting included a meeting of the Development Committee (DEVCO) which is concerned with discussing of effective participation of ISO members from developing countries in international standardization and setting priority areas that serves their economic interests through standardization.
The 44th meeting of the ISO General Assembly also dealt with a set of procedural and executive items, and many issues relating to various developments and changes that have bearing on enhancing the vital role of standardization.
This meeting has highlighted the role of the United Arab Emirates and its growth and increasing interest in the field of standardization. The meeting also showed the confidence and trust that ISO attached to the capabilities of the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology in organizing and sponsoring such an important and large event, by providing an international platform for experts and decision-makers that contribute in supporting and strengthening the industrial sector, and supporting the indicators of international competitiveness, and enhancing of development goals, through support and sustainable development of quality infrastructure, in a manner that enhances the status of Gulf standardization regionally and internationally.
In the ISO General Assembly elections, Dr. Song-hwan Cho, from the Republic of South Korea was elected as the new president of ISO with effect from January 2024. He is succeeding Ulrika Frank.
Four new members of the Board of Directors were also elected: the Egyptian General Organization for Standardization and Quality, the Brazilian National Standards Organization, and the Institute of Technical Standards in Costa Rica, and the Italian Standardization Organization.
On the sidelines of the meeting, GSO held several bilateral meetings with international and regional organizations, namely the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), the Chinese Administration for Standardization (SAC), and the British Standards Institution (BSI), and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) The objective of these meetings was to follow up and review the extent of implementation of the signed MoU’s with a view to enhancing cooperation in the areas of standards, conformity assessment procedures, exchange of experiences, know-how, best practices, and capacity building programs.
On the other hand, on the sidelines of the meeting, GSO signed an MoU with the American Institute of Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration (AHRI), which represents more than 300 factories. The envisaged objective is to promote cooperation between the two sides and exchange experiences in the areas of standardization, certification, technical regulations, research, and statistics, and to enhance the participation of stakeholders in developing Gulf standardization activities.
It is worthwhile mentioning that the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, comprises of 167 member states, has more than 340 technical committees in various technical fields, and constitutes a vital bridge between the government and private sectors to develop international standards. GSO signed an MoU with ISO and participates effectively in enhancing the international standardization within the ISO regional Engagement Policy approved by ISO Council.