GSO launching platform of MUTABIQ

His excellency Mr. Saud bin Nasser Al-Khusaibi GSO president has launched “Mutabiq” electronic platform at the pavilion of the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council in Dubai Expo 2020, in the presence of the Gulf Cooperation Council Interconnection Authority CEO’s, His Excellency Eng. Ahmed Al Ibrahim, and the Commissioner-General of the Cooperation Council Pavilion at the Dubai Expo, His Excellency Mr. Khaled bin Ibrahim Al -Sheikh, on the 8th of December 2021
In his speech, his excellency GSO president said the electronic system of Conformity Certificates Authentication for Vehicles, Motorcycles and Tires, which was called “Mutabiq” is an electronic platform that serves the consumer, manufacturers and other parties related to the Conformity Certificates Authentication. It includes several services provided by GSO, such as the fuel economy guide for vehicles, downloading fuel efficiency label for vehicles and tires, as well as entering data for recall campaigns, and distinctive numbers for imported vehicles, in addition to the main service that GSO has been working on for many years, which is to submit requests for approval of the Conformity Certificates Authentication for vehicles, motorcycles and tires.
“GSO began many years ago to adopt international standards and technical regulations related to vehicles, which obligate manufacturers to safety requirements, whether for the car’s structure or the systems equipped with it and set an upper limit for the percentage of gaseous pollutants issued by it to protect the environment in member states countries”, Alkhusaibi said.
He also added that GSO has applied these technical regulations to manufacturers through the Conformity Certificates Authentication System, and to develop an automated system with the aim of facilitating the procedures for submitting applications for manufacturing companies’ approval by adopting an electronic system that achieves high-speed achievement while providing the highest requirements for accuracy in auditing, certification and maintaining confidentiality of the information. In addition to coordination between member states to adopt a mechanism to unify efforts regarding to market survey and study of the problems faced by car users to identify manufacturing defects in them to oblige manufacturers to recall defective cars and repair them with bearing any costs or financial consequences that arise as a result of that.
His Excellency the President of GSO expressed his thanks and gratitude to everyone who contributed to create this unique platform which has won the admiration, appreciation and interest of manufacturers, research, and development centers. He praised the technical efforts of the GSO Team in implementing and developing the platform, with the support of the national standardization bodies in the member states.
Al-Khusaibi concluded his speech with his aspirations for more achievements that serve first and last the countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, as well as companies, factories, and relevant organizations with the aim of contributing to raising the level of quality, safety and preserving the environment. In addition to facilitate intra-regional trade between member states.
The Head of the Certificate Authentication Section in the Conformity Department in GSO, Eng. Ibrahim Al-Kharaan, presented the services and delivered a brief explanation, in addition to a video presentation of all the services introduced by the platform.
To take advantage of its services, especially the fuel economy guide service for vehicles, which provides easy comparison tools between types, models and sizes of cars and helps to make a decision in choosing the appropriate and fuel-efficient car, everyone can access the Mutabiq online platform through the following link: