GSO Participates in the 51st Meeting of the Advisory Committee for Standardization

The GSO, represented by its Secretary General, HE Mr. Saud bin Nasser Al-Khusaibi, participated in the 51st meeting of the Advisory Committee for Standardization organized by the Arab Organization for Industrial Development and Mining (AIDMO) in Rabat, capital of the Kingdom of Morocco, during the period 17-18 October 2018, with the participation of the heads, directors and representatives of standardization bodies in a number of Arab countries.
Eng. Adel Al-Saqer, Director General of AIDMO, said that the organization is currently seeking to develop the conformity assessment activity in the coming period in a manner that contributes to increasing inter-Arab trade and the success of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area.
He pointed out that the various standardization activities are becoming increasingly important, especially in the preparation and implementation of Arab standards because of their role in improving the performance and quality of Arab products and services, as well as providing safety and safety conditions for various products and commodities.
Eng. Adel Al-Saqer thanked the Arab National Standardization Bodies (NSBs) for their cooperation with AIDMO in drawing up an honorable and positive image to coordinate the Arab positions and views in international and regional forums, by supporting the nomination of the Arab States to hold senior positions within the international and regional organizations related to the standardization and its committees and hosting their meetings.
The agenda of the meeting included a number of important topics, including the preparation and adoption of the unified Arab standards, the adoption of the Arab Strategy for Standardization and Quality 2019-2023 and the projects of its executive plans, in addition to discussing the adoption of the Arab Technical Regulations for Halal Products, as well as an item on the Arab Award for Quality.
On the other hand, HE the Secretary General of GSO, in his speech during the meeting, confirmed the importance of the coordination and strategic partnership between GSO and AIDMO in the framework of the MOU signed between the two organizations to achieve the objectives of mutual interest. Mr. Al-Khusaibi also mentioned that GSO participated in the meeting of the Group of Arab States during the ISO Week 2018 held in Geneva. GSO, through its MoUs signed with its partners around the world, supported Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO)’s request to extend its membership in the ISO council until 2021 and also supported the nomination of the United Arab Emirates ESMA to host the General Assembly of ISO in 2023.