Website Accessibility

This page sets out the accessibility standards for web pages on the GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) website.

GSO is fully committed to ensuring its website is accessible to and inclusive for all its users, including those with special needs and whether they use a text browser, screen reader or other assistive technology.

Features To Enhance This Site’s Accessibility

  • All text is resizable using either your browsers text-resize option (this is usually found under the View -> Text Size menu) or by using the text resizing icons on the pages.
  • HTML heading elements have been used for page structure, supporting assistive technologies that allow page navigation from heading to heading
  • Responsive web design, provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).
  • Many links have title attributes which describe the linked page in greater detail
  • All images have appropriate text alternatives
  • JavaScript is not required to access any part of the key functionalities of the site
  • This site has been tested to ensure it is accessible in a wide range of browsers

Keyboard Access

It should be possible to access any part of the site (including forms) using just the keyboard. However, if you have any problems with this, do contact us and let us know. Please provide information about the web browser and operating system you are using as it will be of assistance in seeking to address the issue.

Additionally, most browsers support jumping to specific links by typing keys defined on the web site. These are known as “access keys”. They are activated in various ways depending on your browser and operating system. Here are the shortcuts for some common browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 8 and above (Windows): ALT + key
  • Mozilla Firefox 1.5 (Windows): ALT + key
  • Mozilla Firefox 2.0 (Windows): ALT + SHIFT + key
  • Safari (Apple Mac): CTRL + key

W3C accessibility standards

It is our intention to ensure that all pages published via the GSO website meet ‘priority 1’ or level ‘A’ accessibility standards or better.

GSO is working over time to ensure that those archive web pages which were published prior to the establishment of W3C guidelines are upgraded to comply with at least ‘priority 1’ standards.

Accessibility Help

For more information about customising the features of your computer setup or web browser to view the site in the most accessible way for you, please visit W3C’s page Better Web Browsing: Tips for Customizing Your Computer. This site includes information about changing fonts and background colours, magnifying your screen and using text-to-speech features. It also provides guides about various assistive technologies on various platforms.



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