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The Standardization Organization organizes the first Gulf Education Standardization Forum


HE Mr. Nabil bin Amin Mulla, Secretary General of the Authority, said that this forum comes in the belief in the importance of integration with the educational sector in order to promote the dissemination of the concept of standardization. To facilitate the global and regional trade exchange, as well as to support the national economy, which has gained considerable support from various governments, industrial and commercial sectors, so that the concept of standardization in education is an urgent necessity for every individual in society and an essential element of the welfare and progress of society and a catalyst for "The forum represents a great opportunity to build a network of common relationships for communication and communication between the parties of common interest in the subject of standardization in education, the most important of which are the national standardization organs of Member States, Universities and colleges in member countries, the human and environmental affairs sector in the GCC Secretariat, research bodies in universities and scientific research centers, and the ministries of education, as well as officials of educational institutions in various stages.

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