



The General Committee for Standardization will hold its 25th meeting

29/ذو الحجة/1436

The GSO General Standardization Committee (GSO) recently held its twenty-fifth meeting on Monday at the headquarters of the Standardization Authority in Riyadh. HE Mr. Nabil bin Amin Mulla, Secretary General of the Standardization Organization, explained that the committee will review the recommendations of the 21st meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commission and the recommendations of the 35th and 36th meeting of the Gulf Technical Council related to the specifications and discuss the functioning of the GCC technical committees operating under its umbrella. Committees for the year 2016.

Dr. Sufian Al-Arheem, Director of Standards Department, added that the committee will discuss the number of GCC draft standards and technical regulations for approval, the draft of the strategic plan for the General Committee for Standardization (2016-2020) and a number of other related topics Link.

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