




About the Project


Safe Products are the products having the quality marks “G Marks”, certificates of conformity “COCs” issued by GCC Standardization Organization “GSO”, its Member States, or the Gulf Conformity Marking. By mapping, updating, and review of the initiative of “Interactive Map of Safe Products”, GSO aims to introduce the quality marks, the procedures of obtaining them, and their benefits, to introduce the products which obtained the quality marks in the GSO Member States, in order to indicate that these products meet the requirements of the standards of protecting consumer health and safety. Thereby, GSO helps business enterprises know the extent of meeting the technical requirements and an indication of the keenness of the enterprises operating in the region on applying the standards in order to contribute to serving the community. GSO’s aim is also to nudge other enterprises of the same sector to expedite obtaining the national quality marks of the Member States, the Gulf conformity marking, the conformity certificates issued by the GSO or the Member States and to advance implementation of Gulf Standards through the following:

  1. Enforcement of implementation of Gulf Standards.
  2. Contribution in protecting consumer health through publication of information on the products conforming to Gulf Standards.
  3. Assisting the enterprises, which have not been awarded the quality mark in obtaining it.
  4. Supporting and promoting the enterprises having the quality marks on the local and international levels through introducing and promoting their products.
  5. Streamlining access of the commodities carrying the marks through customs ports.
  6. Enhancing the economies of Member States and competitiveness of their products to facilitate their access to domestic and international markets and helping their exports to be increased.
  7. Finding a common language for exchanging information between the Member States.
  8. Offering a reference regulatory rule through which we can move forward to continuous improvement and development.

انت تستخدم متصفح قديم وقد لا يعرض لك جميع المزايا المقدمة فى الموقع . فرجاءاً للاستمتاع بكافة المميزات يرجى تحميل نسخة احدث من الانترنت اكسبلورر