GSO ISO 22176:2022
ISO 22176:2020
Cosmetics — Analytical methods — Development of a global approach for validation of quantitative analytical methods
GSO ISO 22176:2022 Files
GSO ISO 22176:2022 Scope
This document defines a global approach for the validation of a quantitative analytical method, based on the construction and interpretation of an accuracy profile, and specifies its characterization procedure.
This procedure is particularly applicable for internal validation in a cosmetic testing laboratory, but its scope can be extended to the interpretation of data collected for an interlaboratory study designed according to the recommendations of the ISO 5725-1. It does not apply to microbiological trials. The present approach is particularly suited to handle the wide diversity of matrices in cosmetics. This document only applies to already fully-developed and finalized methods for which selectivity/specificity have already been studied and the scope of the method to be validated has already been defined, in terms of matrix types and measurand (for example analyte) concentrations.
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