The Role Of Standardization In The Sustainability Of Small And Medium Enterprises

  oman   |         |     8:30 - 2:30   |     Activity Completed
English and Arabic
GCC Standardization Organization (GSO)
Open   Listed






By the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:


Identify  and realize the standardization concepts and benefits, the elements of Quality infrastructure and its role in enhancing SMEs' active participation and involvement into the standardization process and to ensure that SMEs' interests are increasingly integrated into the standardization process through a relevant information flow related to standardization and SME needs.




 Who should attend?




This course is designed for NSBs, Standardization departments in industrial organizations, students and teachers in the universities and academic institutes, and anyone interested in standardization activities in public and private sectors.




The Main Topics:




·         Concept and benefits of standardization




·         Quality infrastructure




·         National Standards Bodies (NSBs)




·         Technical Committees




·         Managing standards as a project




·         Assessing priorities




·         Planning and mode of implementation of plan




·         Technical regulations




·         Participation in international standardization




·         Adoption of international standards








·         Role of standard Importance of standards for SMEs




·         What are the business benefits of standards?




·         Why should SMEs use standards?




·         When standards issues are raised among SMEs, two questions appear immediately: Why? And How?




·          SME interest in participating to standardization process




STANDARDS related to :




1. Food & safety




2. Environment




3. Health & safety at work




4. Construction




5. Quality management & tools quality management 

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SMEs play a vital role in the economy. As a key actor in the market, it is important that SMEs are aware of the benefit of standards for their business and the various ways to participate in the standardization process

<p style="text-align: right;">سيعقد البرنامج في فندق سندس روتانا&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: right;">وقت البرنامج 09:00 ص - 02:00م&nbsp;</p>