Role of standards in developing the industrial sector

  online   |         |     10:00 - 13:00   |     Activity Completed
375.0 SAR
GCC Standardization Organization (GSO)
Open   Listed


Course Outlines

I: The history of measurement and standards

Standards throughout the history until the Industrial Revolution

II: The Industry of Standards

-  Definition of the standard

-  Standardization organizations

-  Standard preparation mechanism

-  Types of Standards

Third: The role of standards in the economy and industrial development

- The industrial sectors targeted by the standards

- The economic benefits of standards and their impact on the development of industry and trade

- Conformity to the standards

- The future of standards and the 4th Industrial Revolution


Course Objectives

-   Giving an overview of the history and development of standards throughout history up to the Industrial Revolution.

-  The impact of standardization activities.

-  The international system for preparing standards.

-  The importance of standards in the economy in general, mainly in industry 

-  The impact of standards on industrial development

Who Should Attend?

-   Workers at national and regional standardization bodies.

-   Workers at industrial sector.

-   Users and implementers of standards in general.

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The role of standards is considered an essential role in the activities of quality infrastructure, and it is the basic building block for industrial and technological development in the world. Despite the great changes that the industry is witnessing for more than a century, the standards have aligned itself in a state of change as well, through development and continuous updating to keep pace with these changes. Even though there are differences between the countries that develop and prepare these standards requirements in manufacturing and the supply chain, the standards remained a measure of the development of human societies and civilizations, and this is what industries compete with in the world, taking in consideration its impact on the economy and resources of these countries. And the Gulf states are no exception to this industrial development that the region has witnessed in recent decades, and accordingly, the structural transformation in the economy towards industry must take into account giving importance and highlighting the role of standards in the industrial development. This is what the Gulf Standardization Organization seeks by providing this training program